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  • CAS Introductory activity

    Posted July 29, 2016 by wdove


    Can we have a variety of introductory activities in addition to Turn and Walk linked to the Module 1 introduction to CASs? Turn and Walk is useful, but when the students are offered this material across multiple school years, new activities would be helpful. 

  • Skill Cards

    Posted July 29, 2016 by wdove


    Please update and provide color copies of the coding skill cards. These cards are a great support for students as they learn coding, especially special education students. As we learned this material, my co-teacher and I were discussing the need for visual and less wordy guides for our special education students. Then we were shown these cards, which are a perfect fit for what they need! For a 25 student class, I feel that about 10 sets would be sufficient, as they can share among programming pairs. 

  • Website Request

    Posted July 22, 2016 by terri.science


    Is there a way that a word cloud can be added someplace on the sidebar that includes tags of discussion topics? It would make it easier to locate resources as the website becomes more populated.  Thanks!